Widdrington Village Parish Council

Next Meeting

Meeting planned for 21 March 2024 Cancelled. Unable to form a quorum

Provisional Dates of Future Meetings


The administrator of this site can be contacted via support-en@support.gandi.net. Please make sure that you clearly state the domain name (widdringtonvillageparishcouncil.org.uk) in the email. This email should then be forwarded to the administrator. Further information can be found at the UK domain repository: Nominet

Keeping Up To Date

The Widdrington Village Facebook page is maintained by this site's administrator. Transfer of the page to an alternative administrator can take place once the adminstrative arrangements of the Parish Council are clear.

As a small parish council we do not have the resources available to maintain and run a "mailing list". Find us on Facebook to keep up to date with Widdrington Village news and announcements.

We would welcome contributions to the page that may be of interest to all.

Councillor Vacancies

Due to resignations from the council we have five councillor vacancies. We need parish councillors. To be quorate and make decisions as a council we need at least three councillors that can participate in a vote. With only three councillors any unavailability or conflict of interest that prevents a councillor from voting can mean that decisions cannot be made.

If you'd like to find out more please contact us. Links to the formal notices can be found in the "Other" section under Documents below.


There is currently a vacancy for the position of Clerk to the Council. Please contact a councillor if you are interested in taking up this paid postion.

Your Parish Councillors

The exact status of all remaining councillors in this list will be updated as the site administrator is advised.

Vacancy Vacancy Mark Coomber
Liz Dicken Julian Dicken Vacancy
Vacancy Vacancy  

Other Useful Contacts

  • Widdrington WI Hall Hire - Marion Harris 07580577403

Statutory Publications

Privacy Policy

Agenda's will be added to this site approximately 1 week before a meeting. Minutes will be added after their acceptance at the following meeting.